Examples of my work.

Revenge of the math club

iBuyers, Zillow, and 'the lemons problem'

What's Changed? 'Not Enough': Local Protesters Reflect On The Year Since George Floyd’s Killing

TikTok made me buy it

From ‘Hello’ to ‘Can you hear me?’: How coronavirus could change office culture

Millions in debt, not much revenue in sight …

Are you afraid of inflation?

The economic effects of being denied an abortion

Boston gets billions in home loans, but white areas get 'much bigger piece of the pie'

Weird (Amazon) flex, but okay

Cells for sale

How Lawson’s, a small Ohio dairy, became a Japanese retail giant

'Time to cut losses': Inside the final days of a Boston restaurant

The rising tides of global food prices

What it’s like to deliver groceries for Instacart during an outbreak

Speed dating for economists

How the trade war crushed a growing Chinese market for U.S. cranberries


Buckle up (and bring a mask): Driving schools restart in a pandemic